Living light

It’s always when you need to move that you realize: you have so much stuff. 

Until then, you live happily in your home and don’t quite notice. But once you have to pack it all and the boxes start mounting up, you wonder how it is even possible that all that stuff was somewhere in your flat, in the drawers and on the shelves. 

Maybe, as you pack, you have that voice whispering in your head: “you didn’t use that thing at all! Look, it’s still in the original packaging!” or “oh, that dress! I really wanted it, but I didn’t wear it even once.” Then, the voice might suggest: “maybe just give the stuff away, or post on a marketplace?” But then, you still have feelings for all these things you bought or received as gifts. You get carried away day-dreaming, and before you know it, you are at the DIY store shopping for more boxes to fit in all your stuff.

“Maybe just give the stuff away, or post on a marketplace?” But then, you still have feelings for all these things you bought or received as gifts.

Lucky you, if you don’t really move too far and your new place has an attic or a storage room downstairs. You might not even need to unpack these boxes. Ever. 

The situation is more complicated when you abandon your previous circumstances and decide to start a new life somewhere far away. Do you bring it all with you? 

Clothes and supplies for last year: all seasons, all occasions

The many recent moves in my life made me think quite a lot about this, and I found my simple 3-step ‘de-stuff’ strategy

1. Decrease inflow: do not buy stuff unless you really need it. Live light. No home decoration, no just-in-case handbags, no bulky souvenirs.

2. Raise flux: start using more of the stuff you own. Create an opportunity to wear that beautiful dress that has still the tag on. Don’t save things for later, it’s ok to get the first scratches on the beautiful leather bag. And prepare some perfect steaks for your friends using the new iron cast pan.

3. Increase outflow: if stuff breaks or you really do not use it despite trying hard, get rid of it. Donate, or use eBay. Just give it away and create space. 

If you still can’t improve your ‘hidden stuff’ mountain and step 3 above is too radical, then there is of course still the storage room option. If neither you nor your closest connections have space, you can rent a storage unit. It’s ok, no one will judge you, especially if you don’t tell. 

But the way, the above strategy also works for your social life, especially step number 2 has high potential to spice up your life: make an active effort to see more of your rather distant connections, with whom you did not catch-up since a while.

How do you keep your life light? 

Take care, 