About me

A Smith

Katia Kuznetsova is a very common name for the former Soviet Union countries. It is not in any other parts of the world, though. Kuznetsova is the equivalent of the English ‘Smith’ or the German ‘Schmidt.’

Your name shouldn’t determine who you become, but in my case it did. With the frequent moves, I never quite settled. Instead, I embraced change. That is the origin of melt and shape.

I can melt, preserving the core element I am built of, and take a new shape. I am a nomad without a home. I am a thief of other cultures. I am my own Smith.

I love observing and discovering. There are so many curious things which make me wonder. When traveling or at home; outdoors, in restaurants or at the gym; in books, at workshops or in conversations.

Let me share with you: the world through my eyes.

The Metal

  • Management consultant passionate about innovation, marketing and leadership development
  • Personal devotion to life with a growth mindset and yoga attitude
  • Born in Russia, raised in Germany, and at ‘home’ in Switzerland since 10 years
  • Power Yoga, Group Fitness, TRX and Body Pump instructor
  • Precision Nutrition L1 coach
  • ETH MSc in Physics and INSEAD MBA