Working out my workout

The truth upfront: I still haven’t found the one solution that works for me. And: being slightly schizophrenic helps.

This last year, taking a year off, I had plenty of time to exercise excessively, and I did dive right into it: Muay Thai, weights, aerobics, yoga. But going back to work, I wasn’t able to continue spending 2+ hours at the gym – my beloved workouts shrunk to 30-45 min. I fell back into old habits – morning runs: the most effective way to wake up and get some fresh air, and, unfortunately, also the most efficient way to painful knees.

My other workouts slowly died: boxing gloves were too bulky and not an easy-to-explain item in your carry on. Many hotel gyms were lacking the essential weight lifting equipment. And on weekends, I was reluctant to wait for my home base gym to finally open for business at 9 or 10 am.

What could I pick as my new sustainable, ‘portable,’ and challenging workout?

Reflecting on the last months: a mix (!) of TRX, Yoga, and running:

  • Minimal requisites: pack a thin, foldable yoga mat, your TRX kit, shoes, and lightweight workout clothes – you’re set for all three of the above
  • Flexible training: practice at any time and anywhere, for example even in your room
  • Adjustable training routine: choose what you want to focus on – flexibility, strength, or cardio, and set your focus for the week; for example, a cardio heavy week could involve more running sessions, vinyasa flows and plyometric TRX exercises

The next step, once you have the gear ready, is to DO the workout. ‘Fortunately,’ I have to. Otherwise, I am not fully deployable at work. However, I get lazy, too, and stop halfway, as soon as my brain wakes up sufficiently.

My solution: trick myself and imagine being the coach and the student in one. Might seem somewhat schizophrenic, but it works! I just cannot walk out in the middle of a class – unless the class is really bad. But then, it’s also my own fault. My coach-me has to step up so that my student-me doesn’t complain.

What is your sustainable workout routine?

Take care,