Workout types

After the breakfast typology, may I present: the workout typology. Over the years, I spent so much time at the gym – I can spot the types from a mile away. 

On the contrary to the breakfast types, workout types are less aligned with someone’s career type. However, people shifting their workout type often experience shifts in their career, too. That should be enough motivation to hit the gym more often and in a more effective way, don’t you think?

Which type are you and which do you aspire to be?

  • Pretty doll: even for a 7 am session, she comes to the workout with make-up and the perfect hairstyle. Her brand new and colorful clothes match her shoes and any other gear, such as gloves or hand wraps, perfectly. Her weight and speed selection is low enough to prevent her from sweating – after all, she’s here to look pretty. 
  • Big weights: big guy (recently also big girl) lifting massive barbells and letting them fall down on the floor loudly, often accompanied by even louder grunting. Unfortunately, the technique is often very poor, but ‘big weights’ type does not accept any coaching. 
  • Indoor: (s)he will do exactly the same weights or cardio routine, regardless of the sun shining brightly. After all, an outdoors workout would introduce variation, and this type doesn’t like change, also in the non-workout life.
  • Just dating: comes to the gym to show off and find a new date, thus usually similarly dressed up as the ‘pretty doll’. Appreciates a good (looking) workout, and therefore often exhibits perfect weight selection and technique. 
  • Hardcore: especially prevalent in workout classes, some crazy dude or girl who goes hardcore, always. Comes to class almost every day or multiple times per day, jumps the highest, holds the plank the longest and has this weird shiny and maniac-ish gaze.
  • Phone-y: comes to the gym often and for long sessions, but with limited results. Not surprising, as (s)he spends more time instagramming, gaming or reading gossip than working out. Big issue in small gyms or at lunchtime, as (s)he occupies the machines and doesn’t even notice, or is upset when asked to either workout or get off the equipment.
  • Efficient results: is determined to get the best ROI. The workout is efficient and effective, with minimal breaks to enjoy life outside the gym afterward. If the weather permits, shifts the training to outdoors to get some sun (more return!) at the same time. 
  • Yogi(ni): lean and well-trained girl (recently also guy) showing off the perfect stretch, twist, or handstand, and the many Sanskrit style tattoos. Often looking down on the non-enlightened people. Could be a match for the ‘just dating’ type. 
  • Personal training: often a somewhat more senior man or woman, with the firm resolution to get (back) in shape. Sometimes successful, especially if the personal trainer is of military type. More often though, more talking than sweating happening. 

Each gym has these types. Sometimes they evolve, and ‘pretty doll’ shifts to ‘yogini,’ or, in the most unfortunate case, ‘phone-y’. ‘Big weights’ might meet ‘yogi(ni)’ and get converted. Or, ‘just dating’ finds his love outside the gym and becomes ‘efficient results.’

Which type am I? When I enter the gym, you might mistake me for ‘pretty doll’ as workout clothes are the only thing that I enjoy shopping for. Then, depending on my workout, you might think I am ‘hardcore’ or ‘yogini’. In reality, though, I am ‘efficient results’. I love working out, but there is also a job and a social life, and the three don’t overlap 100%. Not just yet. 

Have a look next time. Observe your gym mates. However, don’t neglect your workout. Reach your fitness aspirations.

Take care, 

As last time, the typology is not MECE and would be better described as a cube. For simplicity, I chose a list with the most prominent types.